Anonymous (2)
Albert Righter Tittmann Architects
Louis Leroy Arnold on behalf of Arnold descendants of Eleazer Arnold
Catherine and Thomas Ball
Susan C. Beck in memory of Thomas R. Beck, M.D.
Benjamin Bergenholtz
Mrs. Kathleen E. Carr
Ms. Tara H. Cederholm
Richard Cheek
Lorna Condon
Susanna M. Crampton
Mr. Stephen K. Desroches
Amy L. Domini
Mr. Robert P. Emlen
R. Tripp Evans
Ms. Jean Fuller Farrington
Peter Forbes
Greg French
Linda L. Grames
Mr. Willie Granston
Mrs. Marion Hall
Eric K. Hertfelder and Sarah Hertfelder
James Husson-Cote
The Marjorie and David Jefferies Family
Mr. Brock W. Jobe
Dr. John G. W. Kelley
Paul Lacroix
Paula Laverty
Arleyn A. Levee
Miss Selina F. Little
Mary Ellen Mackin
David Miller
Weston Milliken
Bequest of the Estate of Christopher P. Monkhouse
Nantucket Historical Association
Needham History Center and Museum
Beatrice Nessen
New Bedford Whaling Museum
Mr. Carl R. Nold
Lyle Nyberg
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Nylander
James F. O’Gorman
Elizabeth N. C. Owens
Martin Peterson
Kenneth Popp
James Volney Righter
Ms. Donna E. Russo
Kristin Servison
Mr. Earle G. Shettleworth, Jr.
Shirley-Eustis House Association
Ms. Julie A. Solz
Mr. Andrew Spindler-Roesle
Sharon Townshend for the Townshend Family
Mr. Kenneth C. Turino
Walpole Historical Society
Gerald W. R. Ward and Barbara McLean Ward
Nina Heald Webber
Paul and Kathleen White
Mr. Charles B. Wills
John D. Woolf